Here is the Pinblock in its full European-plug-like glory, give it a spin, it deserves a closer look. This block is only 1cm wide and 1.5 cm long( .6 inches for us Westerners) but don't underestimate the little guy. The block was designed with many cool features which are explained on this page. Even though having all blocks exactly the same shape might sound liberating and easy, just like any other powerful tool it requires a bit of learning and experimenting before you can become a Pinblock pro.
Just for a second do the unthinkable - imagine a Pinblock without any pins. Do you see it? Pinblock is now simply a colored square - more commonly known in our time as a "pixel". The easiest way to get started with Pinblocks is to master the two dimensional building before moving on to 4D. *remember* most of the images on this page are interactive, so make sure to click or swipe away at every picture!
Here is the Pinblock in its full European-plug-like glory, give it a spin, it deserves a closer look. This block is only 1cm wide and 1.5 cm long( .6 inches for us Westerners) but don't underestimate the little guy. The block was designed with many cool features which are explained on this page. Even though having all blocks exactly the same shape might sound liberating and easy, just like any other powerful tool it requires a bit of learning and experimenting before you can become a Pinblock pro.